Regulation for Participants

Regulation for Participants

Participants of the professional training workshop are requested to follow the Silent Mentor Simulation Centre regulations:


  1. This training facility is established to foster the great love of those who dedicate their bodies for medical education. They are our silent mentors. We treat them with gratitude, respect and love and wish to foster what we learned from them in the future.
  2. No food and drink allowed in the theatre.
  3. Please stay present throughout the session. Unnecessary walking in and out of the training facility is discouraged.
  4. Photography of the silent mentors’ face is prohibited.
  5. Photography of the training facility for publication of public purpose must be obtained in written consent from the AFSM training Centre.
  6. The participants agree to properly acknowledge this training facility in publication of any of the results of experience obtained from participating in any of the programmes of the AFSM Training Centre.